Miraco Nutripharm is proud to have collaborated with the Singapore General Hospital (SGH) Orthopaedic doctors to support Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital’s (KWSH’s) Community Care Day on 18th March 2023. Close to 1000 elderly participants from the community and nursing home residents turned up at KWSH and 100 of them attended the bone health screenings administered by the Singapore General Hospital (SGH) doctors.

The event was made possible by the efforts of 60 volunteers, including patient service associates, nurses, junior doctors, and physiotherapists. Community groups also performed, and food stalls served up healthy and delicious food.

The President of Singapore, Mdm Halimah Yacob, graced the event as the Guest-Of-Honour, and she toured the premises of KWSH.

The bone health screenings, which were offered in collaboration with various medical institutions such as SGH, and DUKE-NUS, had four stations.
Station 1 was a bone health assessment using the Osteoporosis self-assessment tool (OSTA) assisted by the Orthopaedic nurses. This was coupled with bone health education by DUKE-NUS students and SGH medical officers.
Station 2 involved an explanation of the OSTA results, along with education about common degenerative bone conditions such as Osteoarthritis.
Station 3 was the physiotherapy station, where the physiotherapists demonstrated exercises, specifically to protect joint health and prevent the worsening of degenerative bone conditions among the elderly.
Lastly, Station 4 was the goodie bag station, which was given out to participants at the end of all the stations.

Miraco Nutripharm provided 100 samples of Ginflex in the goodie bags of the participants who underwent the bone health screening. Ginflex is a natural plant-based supplement that can help relieve joint pain and inflammation, particularly in patients with osteoarthritis and sports injuries. Ginflex is safer for the elderly and those who are unable to take painkillers. With a convenient once-daily dosing, Ginflex works quickly in 5 to 7 days, thanks to its two patented ingredients, AFLAPIN and Cavacurmin. The pharmacists from Miraco Nutripharm also provided health advice to some of the participants who were eager to ask about a range of health conditions from gastroenterology to bone health and also management of medications.
The general feedback from the orthopaedic doctors on Ginflex was positive, and they have been prescribing it regularly to their patients.

Overall, Miraco Nutripharm is pleased to have participated in the Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital Community Care Day and to have contributed to the event's success. We are proud to play a role in increasing the bone health awareness of the community, and improve the lives of patients and consumers alike. If you would like to know more about Ginflex™ or any of our healthcare products, do contact us through our enquiry form or drop us an email at enquires@miraconutripharm.com.